Monday, March 21, 2016

A little "Stay-cation"

We bid on a weekend stay at the Claremont Hotel (at a Washington silent auction)...and won!

"I've never been more excited to go to bed!'

Lily let Brian and I sleep in-she tiptoed into the bathroom and set up a little homework station!

Having a play-date while staying at the Claremont is awesome!

The ladies loved hanging out in the spa/locker room!

"Fanciest chair in the world!"

Fondue Fred is just around the corner...

On day two, Lily and I hung out in the bathroom to give Brian more sleep in time. We took an hour long bath and watched two episodes of the "Brady Bunch."

And then we played Sleeping Queens-the bathroom was so huge that we wheeled in an lounge chair and an ottoman! Gotta love those huge and cozy bathrobes.

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