Friday, July 22, 2016

Weekend Mornings

Brian and I usually sleep in a little (one of us more than the other 😉) and these two simply cuddle on the couch while waiting. Bailey is perfectly happy listening to Lily read...for hours.

Extreme Tolerance

Bailey may have some issues (she's afraid of tall men, hats and sleeping bags) but she adores Miss Lily and will do just about anything to please her....this often involves wearing human clothes.

Nanny's "Show Me" game

Show me funny! Pensive! Sweet! Mad! Relieved! Sad! Curious! 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

She's an Author!

Lily has been writing her very own book! She has spent hours working on "Rosa, the Rock Fairy." We will keep you posted!

Walks with Lil

Are especially special when we come across a Little Free Library or a Make a Wish Tree!