Saturday, June 28, 2014

Celebrating six years of Lily

At the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park.

A few birthday snaps

(before we head to the Japanese Tea Garden in SF to have a real-life tea party)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Lily notes

On weekends, we leave Lily little notes and trinkets under her door to keep her occupied until we wake up. One morning, Lily couldn't make sense of the provided trinket. The trinket and this note were then left under our door.

What would a trip to Squaw be...

Without some kiddo bungee jumping before the drive home?

And this happened two seconds after turning on the engine!

First trip of the season!

Destination- Squaw Valley, of course!

Lily's first tandem ride!

It worked...and it worked well.

My cruiser- beautiful color, but the bike was a little on the heavy side

From the Truckee River...

to Lake Tahoe!

This definitely helped with the ride home