Sunday, October 28, 2012

Lovely Lady

This past week, Lily had her annual CF blood work done, got her flu shot and ended up  with a rip-roaring cold and then sleep deprivation due to her congestion. Somehow she has managed to remain jolly through it all!

Weekend Mornings

When Lily wakes up on weekend mornings, she keeps to herself until we wake up. She turns on her lights, goes potty, dresses herself, grabs a snack if necessary and stays very busy educating all of her children. It is wonderful.

Why we don't all tuck our frog pajamas into our red boots...

is beyond me!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall est arrivé!

Hold on!

Where is she?

There she is!

Not very "swan" like...

Taking a little break...

Happy Mama!

Lily decided to celebrate the begining of Fall by climbing the tower of pumpkins at Monterey Market (just like her Mama and Auntie did when they were four).

Chapter Books!

We decided to start with Ms. Quimby....Lily thinks she is such a rascal!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A nice picture...

We took Lily to her first night party. We were celebrating Nini's 65th year. The party started at 7:30 (now that it is dark early, Lily likes to go to bed at 7:00, if not earlier). Not only was it a party, it was a DANCE PARTY.  It was awesome. Lily danced the night away until 10:30. At that time, she politely whispered "guys, I am getting a little tired. Is it ok if we head home now?"

The girl likes her some bugs!

Now that I have my own set of wheels (Lily gave me a pair of rollerskates for my birthday), we like to pack a picnic dinner and roll along the Bay in Point Richmond-Lily in tow, in her "office," behind Brian on his bike. On our last trip, we came across a praying mantice. Lily was stoked. As was Mama. Dada, not so much :)