Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lily has a new vest!

It's "cozy," it's machine washable, it's pink....it's all good in the hood.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Just when you thought they couldn't get any cuter....

King Middle School....on Weekends???

Lily LOVES hanging out at Mama's school. Between the beautiful garden, the chickens, the goats (!!!), the slides, the fields of green grass, and the "roads" where Lily explores on her hot rod-known as basketball courts to the King teenagers- Lily is in hog heaven. Just when Lily thinks it can't get any better, she will occassionally run into one of Mama's students and they will show her one of their snazzy basketball, bike or skateboard tricks!
Speaking of Lily's hot rod, don't get too excited about her pedaling away....she still hasn't quite figured out what to do with the "little things that keep bumping into my [her] knees" and prefers simply pushing off the ground.... backwards.

Good Morning, Sunshine!

Lily always wakes up so good natured (even when she spends most of the evening coughing or barfing- we seem to be catching all of the trendy bugs these days).