Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Mad Hatter

Lily's new rule: MUST WEAR HATS AT ALL TIMES! Just this week, Lily has started to insist that before she do anything (like kiss mama, go to a concert with Dad and her uncles Dan and Jereme, spoon herself some applesauce, feed a goat or say the plege of allegiance), she must first put a hat (any hat) on. Some kids have security blankets. Lily has security caps.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Lily is excited to meet Mortan the cow!

While racing down the hill towards the new calf at Tilden's Little Farm, Lily had a LOT to say. Grandpa only caught the tail end of it when we all realized that it was worth video taping. Know that it started near the bunnies! Mom had a hard time keeping up (with Lily's running and with her story).